Revisiting Romans

The below is my response some years ago to an article that seems to have been removed, concerning the old Duck Dynasty’s commentary on homosexuality, after some children had killed themselves over the issue.  I do not fully remember the premise of that article, nor of the old man’s point of view, but it wasContinue reading “Revisiting Romans”

Dogs returning to vomit: YUK!

Yeshua called Epharaimites ‘dogs’, saying they eat the crumbs from the table of the Master.  Most don’t realize a Samaritan is actually from the former ‘Northern Kingdom of Israel, and they are only “1/2” Israeli.  The KINGDOM of Israel, which was rebellious, was scattered and FORGOTTEN.  The REMNANT of that KINGDOM joined Israel and areContinue reading “Dogs returning to vomit: YUK!”

Messianic! Be Careful!

What does being “Messianic” mean? Many people simply have never heard of us! And they mistake us for other groups, which are occult groups.  WE ARE NOT! We are “OF MESSIAH”, Messiah meaning ‘Anointed One,’ and in our case, the Anointed One of G-d, Yeshua the Natzri, the Son of G-d. First of all, namesContinue reading “Messianic! Be Careful!”