Turn Turn Turn!


I took a leisurely walk today during lunch, enjoying the rare, cool, sunny day, probably our one day of Fall here in Houston.  As I walked, I noted the weather, and the lack of much of a crowd walking on this Friday, and some of the old hotels, one of which was just completely refurbished.  I am a fan of many of the older style buildings here in the city, such as the old court house.  And at least the new one has a throw-back theme.  I don’t like but maybe two of the more modern buildings in Downtown Houston.  As I turned up Smith street today, one of those hovered over the skyline, and I saw more of it than I usually do, as the east side of Smith street had shorter buildings, so I could almost see the whole building from that approach.  It’s the tall one in the picture, hovering over the old Houston Library, which is another of my favorite Houston buildings.

Before I could see the library, I walked while staring up at the modern building behind it.  Its top emerges as stone from amidst the modern glass.  Nothing is more boring architecturally, to me, than a square, glass building.  But, this one changes at the top, and enough so, such that it causes me to really like the design.  I mused over it a bit, wondering if the architect had any point he was trying to make: if so, would it be, ‘the old emerging again from the new,’ or, ‘the new swallowing the old’?  As a man getting up toward his senior years, I’m ‘cautiously pessimistic’, and first thought it should be the new swallowing the old.  But, the old, in this case, is the only beauty the building has to offer, other than the sky and clouds reflected in the glass of the rest of the edifice.  So, perhaps it is more about the old retaking a place in our new, ‘flat,’ homogenous society, exerting independence and individuality again.  We certainly need it!  When I got to the vantage point of this picture, the theme in my head rang true, as the old library is very much pre-modern architecture, and out of it stems the boring, flat part of the building in question, and then, from the top of that an old style bursts out again.  It’s encouraging to me, as I must forge the latter half of my career better than the first.

But, the reason I write is not to bore those disinterested in Houston’s or any architecture, but to say that it meshes with the theme I’ve been forced to meditate over for the last week or so.  Our society has gone the way as much as these two buildings imply.  We are in the middle of a struggle, where the new, ‘homogenous’ generation wishes to blur the lines of distinction between any two paradigms, and create a single, behemoth society that decries any individuality of thought, of politics, of faith, of economy; and it wishes to swallow the old, which, in spite of its issues, does possess much beauty.  And, they do it while ‘saying’ that they are championing the individual.  The truth is, they champion only those individuals who think as they think.  The left is effectively the ‘borg’ of our society, and resistance, in their minds, is futile.  But, I resist.

What started my thinking was an ad I saw concerning “LGBT” month.  It was posted by someone professing to be a believer in Messiah.  It was a subtle push at conformity.  “Show them you love them just for being themselves.” 

Many times these days, the left makes these ridiculous statements, clothed in flowery words that make them ‘sound’ as if they care.  They pre-impugn anyone who would dare to take a differing view. It’s a depth charge; a booby-trap.  If anyone takes an opposite view, they are ransacked with judgmental accusations of lack of love and civility, which truly betrays their own lack of such worthy commodities.

LGBT people are victims.  They are victims of a society that has abandoned not only ‘norms’, which they decry, but also simple, biological truths.  It was not good enough that they be given the ‘right’ to practice sexual depravity.  But, they needed to force the rest of us not to think of their behavior as depraved.  They needed to force us to accept their very public displays of affection, which go beyond the bounds of affection to near pornographic at times. They needed to force us now to disbelieve simple, biological facts, that there is a boy, and there is a girl, male and female, and they are NOT “equal” physically, but are very different.  That wasn’t good enough.  They further needed us to be forced to believe that there is no wrong in their actions.  While this post I saw tells us to love them, quietly shouting the imperative, it also says that they are just being themselves.  No, they are not.  And it is not hateful for me to say that.  It is not ‘incorrect’ for me to assert that there are wrongs in their behaviors.  They are forcing their BEHAVIORS on us, as if they are inherent to who they are.  And they use the virtues of ‘love’ and ‘tolerance’ to excuse their hate and intolerance of us!  That is the evidence of their sick desire to pervert anything true.  They are re-inventing even our vocabulary, in order to incriminate anyone who does not change with them. 

LGBT behaviors are learned behaviors.  Society teaches them these behaviors, passively and actively, through media, people, our education system, and more.  And they succumb.  They give in.  And in order to make themselves feel good for bending to the temptation, they assert that it is not temptation to wrong, but it is just their ‘being themselves.’  No.  They are becoming what they are not.

No one is born who is forced to practice those behaviors.  They may be born with a greater proclivity to succumb to the temptation and the resulting behavior; or, they may be born with that proclivity into circumstances surrounding them that promote and encourage that behavior.  But, no one person is born that way.  Every baby is born “male” or “female”, and has no reason to overturn that role.  Modern psychobabble and a failing ‘church’ has poured gasoline on what was a very small fire of temptation, once held at bay by society clinging to the truth that once was the norm: it is wrong.  It is sin.  The congregations have failed people with this proclivity, because instead of TRULY loving people who are born with the proclivity to be weak to these temptations, they bend to a society that has accepted psychobabble as truth.  Our Society has replaced the Word of G-d with the ramblings of academes who say they know better than G-d. True love for these people would be to tell them that this behavior is a perversion.  It is sin.  And since it is sin, it CAN be overcome, by the blood of the Lamb, and by their confessing their NEED for Messiah.  Other people, ALL other people, have other sins from which they need to be cleansed.  They are not better than these.  But, for society to tell these people that their sin is normal, and acceptable, is opening pandora’s box for normalizing all OTHER heinous activities.  And we are already seeing that happen.  Soon, those who have a perversion for mating with animals will be demanding their ‘right’ to have sex with and even marry whatever beast they encounter or choose, due to some perverted affinity they developed.  Muslims are already demanding we allow them to marry nine-year-old girls, as did their so-called ‘prophet,’ that liar, Mohammed.  Others will come forth with their demands too.  And since we have abandoned the foundation of our laws, The Word of G-d, there is nothing that will stop them from twisting the minds of society further.  Our land will be uninhabitable, much as Europe is becoming, if it goes unchecked.

Before someone goes off half-cocked, I do NOT give anyone a pass.  The reason we are here, and dealing now with THIS sin becoming ‘normal’ and acceptable, is because some time back the notion that adultery and fornication are normal and acceptable became the new rule.  We stopped treating the body as a temple.  We stopped looking at sexual behaviors outside of marriage as sin.  We have become base in our thinking, and driven by our passions instead of by truth.  My forefathers left Europe to escape this very kind of thinking.  Now, there is nowhere on earth to go in order to escape the open acceptance of sin, not only as ‘not wrong,’ but as a very ‘human right’, and as part and parcel to who we are at birth.  So, we, those who say we believe, had better start dealing with the sins in our own houses, and then begin to deal with these further perversions of truth being forced on us.  Anything short of that, and G-d will have no choice but to judge this nation as He has others in the past who have turned from truth to the lie, and stopped worshipping the Creator, and instead worshipped the creation.

The other big monster under the bed is abortion.  Believers seem so very afraid to confront the abortionist left. Politicians placate the left with laws that permit one of the most BASIC violations of the law of G-d: YOU SHALL NOT MURDER.

It is ludicrous that the so-called ‘elite’ can say with any sincerity that killing a baby just on the other side of the vaginal wall is not murder, no matter at what stage of ‘life’ (!) that baby is.  Most do not know that Roe, the person who pushed this issue to the supreme court, was NOT raped as she said, but LIED, in order to cause those justices to make their decision based on EMOTION and not on fact, and on what is RIGHT and MORAL.  So very rare it is that a baby needs to die to save a mother’s life.  So very rare it is that a victim of rape gets pregnant.  Yet we allow promiscuous people to kill 50 million babies, for the POSSIBLITY that some day, some one woman will be raped and conceive.  FIFTY MILLION babies died, for a LIE. 

These perversions of simple, basic FACT and TRUTH are going to be the death of this country.  There is but ONE way to recover from this.  TURN from this heinous behavior, and TURN to the WORD of G-d AGAIN, and believe the TRUTH.  Common sense is good.  A boy is a boy, and a girl is a girl. But TRUTH is unimpeachable.  G-d CREATED MAN and WOMAN, MALE AND FEMALE.  And G-d HATES MURDER.  Those of you who say you believe in G-d, you better start defending these SIMPLE TRUTHS, publicly.  You better start voting for people who do so.  Or, your children and grandchildren will never have a chance. 

Published by danielperek

See my about page! I'm a Messianic Jewish writer, and teacher of the Torah as Messiah Yeshua taught it. I'm a husband, father, and grandfather. A musician, singer, and composer. Most importantly, a servant of the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua HaNatzri!

3 thoughts on “Turn Turn Turn!

  1. Amein!

    As in the days of No’akh…

    Examine me, יהוה, and try me; test my reins and my heart. Search me, O Elohim, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts; And see if there be any way in me that is greivious, and lead me in the way everlasting.

  2. “Those of you who say you believe in G-d, you better start defending these SIMPLE TRUTHS, publicly. You better start voting for people who do so. Or, your children and grandchildren will never have a chance.”

    Personally, I find it evil when a believer, with even a small measure of Truth in them, would condone, and even endorse such behavior. They are essentially driving another nail in the deceived one’s coffin and further removing them from the reality that Yeshua is the “Answer”.
    So many people who know better are cowed into complacency because they don’t want to be labeled, when in reality, God’s approval of them should be first and foremost, imo.

  3. Great post.  I’ve had people tell me I am not a tolerant person… why, because they think that I judge.   I do not judge I mainly state why Abba says.  The world minces words to make themselves feel better.  This absolutely hit the nail on the head.Thank you… I will be sharing. 

    Blessed beyond measure! Mitzi Sobecky Young Living Essential Oils Sponsor ID: 3414167http://yl.pe/3mxv

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