Bull Corn

I don’t believe her.
And to many, that says I lack compassion.
This could not be further from the truth. I married a woman who was formerly abused multiple times by her ex, and once when I was out of town, having to put the man in jail upon my return.
I know the emotions and symptoms of an abused woman.
I know the sorrows.
So, when I started listening, I gave her the benefit of the doubt.
But, I also know that she does NOT deserve immediate trust, simply because she is a woman who claims abuse, particularly in our current social environment drummed up by the left, a swath of society she identifies with.
This whole affair is too akin to the Salem witch trials, wreaking of malicious, political, petty, childish fit-throwing. This woman possibly mixed a GRAIN of truth in with what she accused Kavanaugh of, in order to make her story, her accusations against him, seem plausible. But there are so many holes in her story, and so many of HER witnesses who confound and contravene her account.
Why did she not bring up these accusations when he was being appointed to the bench upon which he NOW sits? Why wait, until now, to bring these accusations against him? And why go first in secrecy to a DEMOCRATIC POLITICIAN? If she wanted an FBI investigation so badly, why did SHE not go FIRST to the FBI? When my wife was abused, and she confided in me, the FIRST thing I did is go and file charges. As an alleged violated citizen, she had every right to do just that. Why not-so Feinstein? And if Feinstein was so concerned over this woman’s emotional state, why wait for as long as she did, and ‘leak’ the accusation just at the right time? When my wife reported her abuse to me, I acted immediately, FOR HER.
Her whole story wreaks of slander. To me, her whole testimony seemed contrived. Again, there MAY have been an experience from which she drew in order to make it plausible, but nothing she said even comes close to putting Kavanaugh in the room. This woman is a psychologist, and is probably very rehearsed in victim behaviors, and brought up the hippocampus one too many times for me.
I’m relatively certain the leftist syndicate that drummed this whole charade up did not count on Bret having such a detailed history of his own activities during that summer. His calendar/diary pretty much shores up everything he said about his innocence. His conviction and emotion seemed genuine, whereas hers was forced, and her crying at times so fake I had to turn the volume down out of disgust. Kavanaugh’s sincerity slam-dunked this accuser back to the oblivion and shadow of liars and false accusers. The leftists are notorious for accusing their opponents of their own crimes. That is what people who lie for their own purposes do, and so, it would NOT surprise me if SHE did not try to seduce some boy, was turned down, and now is projecting THAT episode on Kavanaugh for political purposes. Obama, Clinton(s), Comey, Stzrok, et al, have accused Trump and conservatives of THEIR crimes ad nauseum.
It is my great hope and desire that NO WOMAN is sexually assaulted. But, having watched someone I love dearly, a young man, falsely accused in the same manner, it is ALSO my hope that NO MAN is ever falsely accused of sexual assault, as was Joseph, for selfish and/or political purposes.
There are indeed six things that יהוה , the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth, HATES, and ONE of them is this: “A false witness that breathes out LIES.” That is an abomination, a disgusting and loathsome thing, in His eyes. And it does NOT go unnoticed, nor unpunished.
While I disagree with Kavanaugh’s mode of worship, I believe him to be sincere in his faith, and Messiah will take vengeance on the people who did this to him. If not in our lives, then at the judgment. Like Kavanaugh’s daughter, I too pray for Mrs. Ford. If something dread did happen to her, I pray she recovers. But, if she tried to pin it on Kavanaugh wittingly, which I believe she did, I pray it is exposed, and that G-d has mercy on her. People today have NO IDEA how difficult the judgments of these offenses against our fellow humans will be. There is no fear of G-d in this country any more, and no respect for our fellow man. Our founders wisely wrote into our laws the notion of innocence UNTIL PROVEN guilty, and the leftists are trying to destroy that foundational principle, in order to enslave a people, half of whom seem to want to give themselves over to that enslavement. It is astonishing to watch. And sad.

Published by danielperek

See my about page! I'm a Messianic Jewish writer, and teacher of the Torah as Messiah Yeshua taught it. I'm a husband, father, and grandfather. A musician, singer, and composer. Most importantly, a servant of the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua HaNatzri!

3 thoughts on “Bull Corn

  1. Nailed it! Character assassination is still as evil today as it was at the beginning. Yeshua was a target of it. I guarantee He’ll remember those who tried it with Him, much less any who would try pulling that one on His Bride!

  2. I don’t believe her either. If the democratic party somehow succeeds in this evil plot, I think every man in America should be worried. There will be a trickle down impact from this farce to work place environments. Every man will have a bullseye on his chest if someone wants to ruin your life by falsely accusing you of actions you did not commit, it will be costly to defend yourself and create a HR record that could follow you your entire career. The cloud will forever be over your head. This has been one of the hardest things to watch in my lifetime to see this man be vilified in a public setting. It doesn’t stop there. Our elected officials are screamed out restaurants if they don’t share the opinion of the left. They are even encouraged by their own leadership to commit these horrible acts. Our society is disintegrating before our very eyes.

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